Underutilized Income Stream

Underutilized Stream of Income

I want to share a valuable business strategy I learned from some successful business owners: It’s important to have five streams of income. When I first heard this I was a bit overwhelmed at the number “5”. I could barely come up with two. A few years into following this advice, the number “5” is much less intimating. It really just takes a bit of creativity to generate five streams of income in your business.

First and foremost is your email, a big powering stream of income that is often underutilized. Let me explain. Real Estate Agents come in contact with numerous leads a day. Some of those leads result in a client relationship. Some of those clients result in a closing while others may decide to postpone their investment. Either way, it’s important to stay connected with those clients consistently. This is where the opportunity is missed.

We live in a fast-paced society where people are so busy and pressed for time they often don’t stop to think back on past experiences.  People are operating in the moment. Which means, if a past client decides to buy or sale again, they likely won’t take the time to search out their past agent. Or if they hear of a friend who is planning to buy or sale, they’ll not offer up any agent suggestions.

However, if your past clients are receiving periodic emails from you, this keeps YOU at the front of their mind. The content of the email newsletter does not matter as much as them seeing your name arrive in their inbox consistently. They may never open the email; that matters not. What matters is that you are taking the time to visit their inbox regularly.

If you do not currently send out a newsletter to your past client and prospective clients, you are missing out on profitable income stream.

Don’t have time to develop a monthly newsletter? No worries, we are here to simplify your business. Ask about our simple connection email newsletter service that allow you to stay connected and take advantage of this this underutilized income stream.


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